Today we are touching a very important topic Agriculture and the Environment are inseparable to say the least, such is the strong connection between them one cant do without the other. since time immemorial when man started gathering and hunting for food to this point of vast advanced agricultural technologies, man and agriculture have always been dependent on the environment. Almost all human if not all human activities hinge on the environment be it agriculture , mining, construction the list goes on as such in the process of achieving these economic benefits the environment is being hurt to some extent. In this post we are going to have a glimpse of the relationship between the environment and agriculture. put this behind your mind that this is an insight don't expect to much details but important points. Shifting Cultivation and Deforestation : These two are just brothers, they normally go hand in hand, one gives birth to the other. Let...
This post is published to commemorate the World Environment Day 2020. By Abubakar Ali Gumel The theme for this years world environment day is " BIODIVERSITY " so I sort to write on the topic and seeing desertification as one of the greatest environmental threat faced in northern Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Lets talk about desertification first, what is desertification?, How does is come about? . Desertification or desert encroachment as its also known according to NASA is land degradation in typically dry areas resulting from various factors including climatic variations and human activities. This is the most simple definition of desertification. The primary factor leading desertification is deforestation. Deforestation is the indiscriminate cutting down of trees. Desertification is a very big threat to environmental sustainability in so many places around the globe. Huge amount of forest and vegetation cover are been lost to desert encroachme...