By Abubakar Aliyu G.
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy home. Living in a clean environment is so important to your physical health as well as your overall sense of well-being . Overall, a clean and healthy environment lowers stress and contributes to a positive opinion on life.
The benefits of a healthy environment should not be de-emphasised. In an environment where personalities work cooperatively as a team, employees are motivated and want to be at work. Think of these, coming out of home, standing in your frontage looking at the beautiful landscape, doesn't it feel impressive and overwhelming. Personally i really find it pleasing, i enjoying the beautiful landscape around. I find much joy in watching videos or movies online that show different beautiful cities with beautiful landscapes, dreaming to visit such places in the future.
Growing up and living in a healthy environment determines or let me say affects people psychology in the sense that it influences ones behavior and to an extent his social and moral lifestyle.
Keeping our environment clean and healthy could sound difficult at first, but what most people don't know is, it is as easy as playing a guitar or humming your favorite song. Just try and keep it simple and basic as possible, you can consider the following tips:
1. DON'T LITTER: Personally, i try as much as possible not to indiscriminately dump waste into the environment. It is required of everyone not litter the environment we have to be conscious. Littering the environment poses a lot of threat to our health. There are more sustainable ways to manage and keep our environment clean and healthy such as proper use of waste bins.
2. PLANT TREES: Planting goes a long way in saving our planet earth. It gives us shade and also purifies our environment from different kinds of pollutants which can cause adverse health effects on man and the environment.
3. BE ECO-FRIENDLY: (REUSE, RECYCLE AND REDUCE ) Every individual has a role to play in saving our environment. A simple step to begin with is accepting the principle of reuse, recycle and reduce. A great deal of waste we produce are all recyclable but the problems arises from our ignorance of the R3 principle and unknowingly it can go along way in solving our waste problems unnoticed. According to EMA, 80 percent of waste we throw in landfills are recyclable.
FUTURE GENERATION: A healthy environment breeds a healthy future. When we keep our environment a clean , we are creating a sustainable environment for our future generation to inherit. Keeping our environment healthy determines the future of our upcoming generation.
IT REFLECTS YOUR CHARACTER: Living and growing in an environment plays a huge role in determining the character of individual, people who are opportune to grow up in well to do environments reflects their behavior so is applicable to those who are less opportune too. So the kind of environment you grow up from determines ones character.
IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR PERSONAL HEALTH: A healthy environment is essentially important for human health. When an environment is kept clean an healthy, it is presumed that those people living in that environment are also healthy and vice-versa. So keeping our environment clean almost guarantees us a healthy lifestyle.